In many counties in Florida, including family law cases that will be heard in Hillsborough County, Pasco & Pinellas County, Florida mediation is required in contested divorces & family law matters. Mediation is offered though the County or the parties can agree on using private mediators. Hiring the best Tampa divorce & family law attorneys for you can be highly beneficial in providing sound, legal counsel during mediation. Tampa Bay Family Law Attorneys Q & A - Required Family Mediation in Tampa Bay Why is Mediation Required in Divorces in Hillsborough County & Tampa Bay Family Law Cases? Mediation is a form of dispute resolution that provides the parties in a contested family law case to resolve their issues prior to going to court. Mediation is beneficial in many family law cases , especially if your attorney is a skilled negotiator. Mediation provides the parties with an opportunity to voice their concerns and ...
Tampa Divorce and Family Law Attorney serving Hillsborough Pinellas and Pasco County, FL